Fatal Unknown Game Version Check Http Dev-c.com For Updates

Fatal Unknown Game Version Check Http Dev-c.com For Updates Free

checking and rechecking the added mods. Most work. Others Just Crash the game and so I have to Edit them and remove them back to the way it was. To the last added mod that worked. So here's what happened. I downloaded a mode for the E-11 Blaster from Star wars and replaced the bullpup shotgun. While looking at my mods folder Script hook wanted to update itself. So I let. Going back into openIV and while in my mods folder at the top of the list in the mods folder it read update mods folder. Antares auto tune realtime advanced. So I did that thinking.. Oh right, just another update. Ever since then when I start the Game. It crashes and comes up with this message.

FATAL: Unknown game version, check http://dev-c.com for updates

Fatal Unknown Game Version Check Http //dev-c.com For Updates

Dec 18, 2015  How to fix Gta5 FATAL ERROR UNKNOWN VERSION Addicted3Gamers. Unsubscribe from Addicted3Gamers? Best of Brake Check Gone Wrong (Insurance Scam) & Instant Karma 2019. Apr 07, 2017  In today's video, Alex gives a tutorial for fixing the gta 5 fatal error that occurs when gta 5 updates, and scripthook hasn't updated yet. An easy way to do.


Supported versions: 1.0.335.2,/2, 1.0372.2, 1.o.393.2/4, 1.0.463.1, 1.0.505.2 1.0.617.1, 1.0.578.1, 1.0.757.2, and the list goes on untill 1, 1.0.1604.0 What have I done? and can this be fixed without sitting there and uninstalling GTAV and then reinstalling it and waiting two days for it to download from Stram again?


can someone please give me some form of help so I know what I'm doing in getting my copy of GTAV running again

Fatal unknown game version check http dev-c.com for updates windows 10

Thanking you kindly
