Dev C++ Moving Text
Snake game using C++ complete code is demanded by many friend ! so i decided to write an article, providing you complete code  of Snake game in c++ without any error 🙂
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- Dev C++ Moving Text Message
Change the headers according to your compiler.
I want to make a simple program in C and I need to scroll some text through the window. I looked up on some sited and I only found complex methods to do it. I don't want to use any of these complex methods for this simple program. Does anyone know a easy way to do that?
here you go snake game 🙂
Things you need to do are :
DeleteLine is the method that erases a line and moves all the blocks of upper positions one row down. It just starts from the line that has to be removed, and then, iterating through the board in a nested loop, moves all the blocks of the upper lines one row done. Jan 06, 2017 A simple graphics.h program in C for making and moving a cycle using simple for loop! You may also visit. C/C Graphics Tutorial 37 How to Move a Car with Arrow Keys - Duration: 6:41.
Dev C++ Moving Text Free
- Copy the code below
- Paste into your desired environment (dev c++, visual studio)
- compile and runÂ
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
void run();
void printMap();
void initMap();
void move(int dx, int dy);
void update();
void changeDirection(char key);
void clearScreen();
void generateFood();
char getMapValue(int value);
// Map dimensions
const int mapwidth = 20;
const int mapheight = 20;
const int size = mapwidth * mapheight;
// The tile values for the map
int map[size];
// Snake head details
int headxpos;
int headypos;
int direction;
// Amount of food the snake has (How long the body is)
int food = 3;
// Determine if game is running
bool running;
int main()
return 0;
// Main game function
void run()
// Initialize the map
running = true;
while (running) {
// If a key is pressed
if (kbhit()) {
// Change to direction determined by key pressed
// Upate the map
// Clear the screen
// Print the map
// wait 0.5 seconds
// Print out game over text
std::cout << “tt!!!Game over!” << std::endl << “ttYour score is: ” << food;
// Stop console from closing instantly
// Changes snake direction from input
void changeDirection(char key) {
A + D
4 + 2
switch (key) {
case ‘w’:
if (direction != 2) direction = 0;
case ‘d’:
if (direction != 3) direction = 1;
case ‘s’:
if (direction != 4) direction = 2;
case ‘a’:
if (direction != 5) direction = 3;
// Moves snake head to new location
void move(int dx, int dy) {
// determine new head position
int newx = headxpos + dx;
int newy = headypos + dy;
// Check if there is food at location
if (map[newx + newy * mapwidth] -2) {
// Increase food value (body length)
// Generate new food on map
// Check location is free
else if (map[newx + newy * mapwidth] != 0) {
running = false;
Sound editing software auto tune. // Move head to new location
headxpos = newx;
headypos = newy;
map[headxpos + headypos * mapwidth] = food + 1;
// Clears screen
void clearScreen() {
// Clear the screen
// Generates new food on map
void generateFood() {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
do {
// Generate random x and y values within the map
x = rand() % (mapwidth – 2) + 1;
y = rand() % (mapheight – 2) + 1;
// If location is not free try again
} while (map[x + y * mapwidth] != 0);
// Place new food
map[x + y * mapwidth] = -2;
// Updates the map
void update() {
// Move in direction indicated
switch (direction) {
case 0: move(-1, 0);
case 1: move(0, 1);
case 2: move(1, 0);
case 3: move(0, -1);
// Reduce snake values on map by 1
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (map[i] > 0) map[i]–;
// Initializes map
void initMap()
// Places the initual head location in middle of map
headxpos = mapwidth / 2;
headypos = mapheight / 2;
map[headxpos + headypos * mapwidth] = 1;
// Places top and bottom walls
for (int x = 0; x < mapwidth; ++x) {
map[x] = -1;
map[x + (mapheight – 1) * mapwidth] = -1;
// Places left and right walls
for (int y = 0; y < mapheight; y++) {
map[0 + y * mapwidth] = -1;
map[(mapwidth – 1) + y * mapwidth] = -1;
}// Generates first food
// Prints the map to console
void printMap()
for (int x = 0; x < mapwidth; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < mapheight; ++y) {
// Prints the value at current x,y location
std::cout << getMapValue(map[x + y * mapwidth]);
// Ends the line for next x value
std::cout << std::endl;
Waves auto tune in one min. // Returns graphical character for display from map value
char getMapValue(int value)
// Returns a part of snake body
if (value > 0) return ‘o’;
switch (value) {
// Return wall
case -1: return ‘X’;
// Return food
case -2: return ‘O’;
OutPut [Snake Game using C++] :
Dev C++ Moving Text Online
You can get many authentic stuff regarding snake game using c++ at Tutorials Point.
Also don’t miss to enjoy:
Dev C++ Moving Text Messages
Wrapping it up:
Hope so code for snake game using c++ works for you. If does’t feel free to ask any question or give any  suggestion related to C++/this snake game , in the comment box,
Dev C++ Moving Text Message
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