1976 Auto Tune Harmonica
- 1976 Auto Tune Harmonica Chords
- 1976 Auto Tune Harmonica For Sale
- 1976 Auto Tune Harmonica Sheet Music
Altered tuned harmonicas are available fromSeydel
Other resources for altered tunings
Mike Easton is a harmonica repairman from Harrisburg, PA, USA. He kindly wrote this page on tuning techniques & tips that he has worked out for himself in his trade to share with you. Auto tune 9 torrent. Tuning is neccessary when reeds go out of tune, or if you wish to rearrange the notes available to you or if you require a different pitch base or temperament. Harmonica Out of Tune? All harmonicas eventually go out of tune, some faster than others, according to the kind and make, but most often harmonicas go out of tune as a result of the way that they are played. Quite often they are played too hard, but even the. Harmonica Tunings Explained. Don’t know your Paddy Richters from your Richters, or your harmonic minor from your natural minor tunings? Our simple guide will help you navigate the slightly arcane world of harmonica tunings. What is Richter Tuning? Richter tuning is the most common tuning type seen on diatonic harmonicas.
- An essential primer on altered tunings for chromatic harmonicaSome Musings On Altered Tunings For the Chromatic Harmonica by Pat Missin
- You can find most of the known tunings for harmonicas in:
Altered States at Pat Missin's website on the tunings page. - Overblow by Tinus has altered states for diatonic andchromatic harmonica using a very useful Java program demonstrating scales and keys over any key layout.
- Useful Chromatic Harmonica altered tuning articles & chartswritten by Max Greco.
- Harping! MIDI harmonica tablature program by Javier handles any harmonica tuning possible.
Altered Tunings of Note
There are many altered tunings that are in use by a number of players:
- For Chromatic Harmonica
Solo tuning has an established place in the chromatic harmonica's short history, all education material & compositions for the chromatic harmonica to date are written on the assumption that solo tuning is in use. That is why it is still here and remains the most popular tuning - by default. And whilst there are some superb musicians using this, it doesn't make it the most practical layout for all musical styles & situations.
- Bebop Tuning. This is a slight variation on Solo Tuning that has a big impact on the playability of the instrument when playing Jazz. Only two reeds per octave are retuned, on a standard Solo C holes 4, 8 & 12 have both the blow reeds (slide out & slide in) retuned to Bb (slide out) and B (slide in). This removes the C# enharmonic and one of the double C notes, it also removes the breath change required on those holes, instead every hole has the same blow/draw progression up the scale.It also changes the bias of the chromatic layout from just key of C to keys C and F. Therefore it is also known as C/F Bebop Tuning. It changes the blow chords available so that a dominant 7th is introduced and this needs to be accounted for, it also adds additional chordal possibilities. This is more popular than the other tunings because its the least radical change away from Solo Tuning so even those who have played Solo for many years can still adjust to it without losing too much time.
- Alternate C6 Bebop Tuning. Similar to C/F Bebop however instead of using Bb & B on holes 4, 8 & 12, A/Bb are used. The blow chords are changed to C6 & Db6. This tuning facilitates interesting new opportunities and is used by William Gallison.
- Classical Tuning.AKA I maj7/ ii min7 Tuning. Very close to solo tuning except that holes 4, 8 and 12 are flipped over so that the breath pattern does not change. For example with Cmaj7 / Dmin7 the first of the two C notes and C# notes are flipped to draw positions, making them much more useful, improving phrasing and enabling more legato phrases. It gives you more chords including Cmaj7, Emin, Dmin7 and F as well as Dbmaj7, Fmin and F#, in addition to many more useful partial chords.
- Diminished Tuning AKA Dimi AKA Minnie AKA CAT (Chromatic Altered Tuning by Dr Yeadon), a different angle to the chromatic harmonica based on the diminished scale & chords.It provides the player with 1 octave per four holes like Solo tuning,however there is no bias towards any key. There are many partial chordoptions available, using only minor 3rd intervals, which in today's 12EDOtemperament are more sonourous and settled than major 3rds, making thediminished harmonica for good backing and harmonising.The slide is usally set up to sharpen the notes, and because of the evenly spread enharmonics there is plenty of oportunity for smooth transitions. Flat slide, whole tone slide and flat whole tone slide are all practical variations too.
Personally I have come to rely almost exclusively on diminished tuning for my chromatics, and recommend it to beginners to seasoned players alike. In the long run I find it easier to play by ear and play overcomplex changes, than solo tuning, or any of the above.
- For Hohner XB-40. A lot of untapped potential for alteredtunings, its early days yet. One of the first tunings being experimented with, is theXB-40 Melody MakerTM.A tuning Lee Oskargave the trademark to, when he first brought it out onto the market.
One thing to realise about new tunings is that it doesn't have to be amonumental task to learn them if approached from the angle of 'its amatter of just learning a few new scales'. With Diminished there are only a mere three scales to learn.
Once you have them down theres not much difference in the fundementals ofthe instrument itself, considering what can be gained it maybe worth youspending some time investigating and learning.
The more tools & skills you have available the more options you have andthe more likely it will allow you to be a musician who plays music andjust happens to use a harmonica, than being a harmonica player working tomake their instrument play music.
I have written a short page on Intervalic Theory which explains digital music notation neccessary to understand some of the layouts in the above pages, which makes the entire process much easier to understand.
Music theory webpages on my websites:
- Chromatic Harmonica Reference
- Music Theory II
Harmonica Resources
All materials on this site may be linked to, but not copied for republishing in any form, without the express permission from the
Layout of diatonic harmonicas[edit]
Major Key of C/Crossharp key of G[edit]
Major Key of Db/Crossharp Key of Ab[edit]
Major Key of D/Crossharp Key of A[edit]
Major Key of Eb/Crossharp Key of Bb[edit]
Major Key of E/Crossharp Key of B[edit]
Major Key of F/Crossharp Key of C[edit]
Major Key of F#/Crossharp Key of C#[edit]
Major Key of G/Crossharp Key of D[edit]
Major Key of Ab/Crossharp Key of Eb[edit]
Major Key of A/Crossharp Key of E[edit]
Major Key of Bb/Crossharp Key of F[edit]
Major Key of B/Crossharp Key of F#[edit]
Layout of chromatic harmonicas[edit]
12-hole chromatic, key of C[edit]
12-hole chromatic, key of G[edit]
12-hole chromatic, key of F[edit]
12-hole chromatic, key of B[edit]
Note: becomes Irish Tuning if the key position are switched
14-hole chromatic, key of C[edit]
16-hole chromatic, key of C[edit]
Layout of alternate tuning, diatonic harmonicas, Key of C based[edit]
Country tune[edit]
Natural Minor, Crossharp Key of C[edit]
Harmonic Minor[edit]
Melody Maker, Crossharp Key of G[edit]
Melody Maker, Crossharp Key of C[edit]
Augmented Spanish[edit]
Paddy Richter tuning (Brendan Power)[edit]
Spiral Tuning (Circular Tuning)[edit]
Optimized Blues Tuning[edit]
Layout of alternate tuning, chromatic harmonicas, Key of C based[edit]
Bebop tuning[edit]
1976 Auto Tune Harmonica Chords
Classical tuning[edit]
See also[edit]
1976 Auto Tune Harmonica For Sale
Harmonica |
Getting started:Why should I Play Harmonica? Types of harmonica Anatomy of a Harmonica Harmonica Purchasing guide |
Playing the harmonica:Basic Holding and Playing a Harmonica Tablature Basic Chords Bending |
Additional techniques:Advance Chords Advance techniques Self accompaniment |
General harmonica theory:Chromatic Harmonica Positions Tremelo Ensemble Playing Music Style Learning Songs Improvising Recording Playing with Amp |
Cleaning and maintainence:Basic Maintainence and Care Advance Maintainence Harmonica Modifications Tuning |
Appendices:Harmonica Layouts and Alternate Tunings Harmonica Positions Chart Blues Writing Songs |